Secure Cultures was spotted on the popular TV channel A&E, on the hit show, "Secret Life of a Gang Girl; The Untold Story". In this episode, host Elizabeth Vargas, was interviewing a good friend and supporter of the brand, Angalia Bianca. Bianca, as she is affectionately called, is an ex-criminal that roamed the streets of Chicago for years and was a part of the gang culture. After serving several prison sentences, and years of living on the streets, she turned her life around and is now doing big things in the communities and streets she once walked. She has written a book, become a vital member of the cure violence movement, and even landed a feature on A&E! Out of everything she could have worn during her segment on the show, she decided to wear a few of her Secure Culture pieces!! Most notably, her Secure Cultures Fleece Lined Coat. Product placement is a key element to effective marketing and promotion. Because of her thousands of people saw the brand for the first time. I couldn't be more appreciative of her. In case you missed it, you can always watch it on A&E Demand.